Alternative Photographic Processes

Tintype Photography: A variation of wet plate collodion producing images on metal plates.

Tintype Photography: A variation of wet plate c...

Tintype photography, a fascinating variation of the wet plate collodion process, is an art form that captures images on metal plates.

Tintype Photography: A variation of wet plate c...

Tintype photography, a fascinating variation of the wet plate collodion process, is an art form that captures images on metal plates.

Photograms: camera-less photographs

Photograms: camera-less photographs

Photograms, an intriguing and captivating art form, offer a unique way to create photographs without the use of a camera. This technique involves placing objects directly onto light-sensitive paper or...

Photograms: camera-less photographs

Photograms, an intriguing and captivating art form, offer a unique way to create photographs without the use of a camera. This technique involves placing objects directly onto light-sensitive paper or...

Salt Printing: An early photographic process using a sensitised salt solution on paper.

Salt Printing: An early photographic process us...

  Definition and Overview Salt printing is a fascinating early photographic process that involves using a sensitized salt solution on paper to create unique and timeless images. Dating back to...

Salt Printing: An early photographic process us...

  Definition and Overview Salt printing is a fascinating early photographic process that involves using a sensitized salt solution on paper to create unique and timeless images. Dating back to...

Van Dyke Brown: A simple alternative process using iron-silver compounds for brown prints.

Van Dyke Brown: A simple alternative process us...

Van Dyke Brown is a captivating alternative photographic process that produces rich, sepia-toned prints using iron-silver compounds. Dating back to the 19th century, this method offers photographers and artists a...

Van Dyke Brown: A simple alternative process us...

Van Dyke Brown is a captivating alternative photographic process that produces rich, sepia-toned prints using iron-silver compounds. Dating back to the 19th century, this method offers photographers and artists a...

Platinum/Palladium Printing: A noble metal printing process for rich and enduring prints.

Platinum/Palladium Printing: A noble metal prin...

Platinum/palladium printing is a distinguished and elegant photographic technique that produces exquisite, richly toned prints with exceptional permanence. This alternative photographic process utilizes the noble metals platinum and palladium

Platinum/Palladium Printing: A noble metal prin...

Platinum/palladium printing is a distinguished and elegant photographic technique that produces exquisite, richly toned prints with exceptional permanence. This alternative photographic process utilizes the noble metals platinum and palladium

Chlorophyll Printing

Chlorophyll Printing

Welcome to the enchanting world of chlorophyll printing! This unique art form allows you to harness the natural pigments found in leaves to create stunning prints on various surfaces.

Chlorophyll Printing

Welcome to the enchanting world of chlorophyll printing! This unique art form allows you to harness the natural pigments found in leaves to create stunning prints on various surfaces.